This procedure begins with a sleeve gastrectomy. The valve that releases food to the small intestine is left, along with the first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum. The surgeon then closes off the middle section of the intestine and attaches the last part directly to the duodenum.This is the duodenal switch.
The separated section of the intestine isn’t removed from the body. Instead, it’s reattached to the end of the intestine, allowing bile and pancreatic digestive juices to flow into this part of the intestine. This is the biliopancreatic diversion.
As a result of these changes,food bypasses most of the small intestine, limiting the absorption of calories and nutrients. This, together with the smaller size of the stomach, leads to significant weight loss.
Would you like more information about Bariatric Surgery treatment options? Or do you have questions about weight-loss treatment cost? Get in touch with the experts at BASS Bariatric Surgery Center today for more details. Dr's Brian Chin and Jason Moy have completed countless bariatric weight-loss surgeries and they're ready to assist you with this life changing procedure. We are happy to provide our services to the residents of Walnut Creek, Brentwood, and in the entire East Bay Area.
Dr. Jason Moy performed by bariatric surgery last month. I did enormous study on the surgery including watching 90 hours of video on YouTube. Concerned about the surgery Dr. Jason Moy had an excellent bedside manner. He is an excellent listener and very patient. His staff is impeccable. His confidence shown in me and the procedure remedied my nerves. After surgery I was expecting some of the maladies I learned about after bariatric surgery. To my surprise and because of an excellent surgery, I had minimal pain off pain meds next day, no sore throat or other irritable symptoms. I knew I was fortunate. Fortunate to have an excellent doctor and surgeon. If you plan to change you life and go in a better direction and get bariatric surgery I would expect you would want the best surgeon and doctor available. I suggest you call Dr. Jason Moy. I am sure there are other great doctors but if you are looking for a sure thing then it is Dr. Jason Moy.
I am extremely grateful for the surgery Dr.Brian Chin was able to complete. My health and self-esteem has improved since my surgery. Dr. Brian Chin is an amazing doctor and I recommend that everyone suffering from obesity and depression go see him and know that he will take care of.
I underwent Gastric sleeve surgery with Dr. Chin not long ago. I had a wonderful experience. The process for this Bariatric weight-loss surgery was made very smooth by Dr. Chin's great staff and the preparation and advice from Dr. Chin. I would highly recommend Dr. Chin to anybody thinking about having a life changing weight-loss surgery, he's one of the best Bariatric Doctors/Surgeons in the East Bay.