Bariatric Weight-Loss Surgery

Liz's Bariatric Surgery Success Story

Dr. Jason F. Moy
Dr. Brian T. Chin
Daniel Roman
Liz's Bariatric Surgery Success Story

Liz's incredible weight-loss surgery transformation is evidence that it's never too late to make a change. After struggling with her weight after giving birth to her first child, Liz decided to take matters into her own hands and undergo bariatric weight-loss surgery. Through this choice, she has gone from being dangerously obese and depressed to achieving, once again, an active lifestyle. This is Liz's story in her own words, she'll discuss how she made the transition, detail the results of her procedure, and discover what inspired her decision in the first place. With dedication and commitment to living a healthier lifestyle, individuals of all backgrounds can reach their weight loss goals—just like Liz did!

Gastric Sleeve Rejuvenated Me and Helped Me Get Back My Active Lifestyle

My name is Liz Flores. I am 40 years old and live in Walnut Creek, CA. Now, 87 lbs lost post-surgery, I have gained my active life back and can enjoy family vacations and riding motorcycles with my husband again! I have never been happier with my decision to get Bariatric Weight-Loss surgery with Dr. Brian Chin and BASS Bariatric Surgery Center.

My History

I used to be an active kid, but after I had my 1st child at the age of 19, I found it very difficult to lose weight.  I had tried several weight-loss programs and diets like Weight Watchers, Atkins diet, hired personal fitness trainers and even went through a weight loss facility and tried the Adipex weight-loss pill.  A lot of these diets were unhealthy and take a toll on your body with multiple side-effects. I would lose weight but as soon as I stopped the program, I gained back everything plus more. Maintaining those diets and programs were nearly impossible.

Motorcycle Accident Led to Big Weight-Gains

After my motorcycle accident and having to be sedentary for a year.  My weight gain skyrocketed as I reached258lbs and at only 5’3 I was very depressed and unhappy with acid reflux and other health issues because of my weight. I would easily get exhausted, and I could not lose weight no matter what I did. I felt hopeless and this only fed my depression.

A family member told me about the gastric sleeve weight-loss surgery.  They had it done and were super happy and positive about the procedure and results.  I began to research all about the surgery. I watched bariatric success stories, looked at before and after pictures and a watched lot of YouTube videos of doctors doing the procedure on patients and their post-surgery results. It took me about 3 months after being aware of the pros and cons that I decided it was time to seek a good doctor to have this procedure. This was the beginning of my weight-loss surgery journey.

Dr. Chin and BASS Bariatric Surgery Center

That’s when I met Dr. Brian Chin with BASS Medical Group and the Bariatric Surgery Center. I was very nervous at first but determined this was what I needed after Dr. Chin really elped me to understand the pros and cons of the surgery and his evaluation of my personal situation. Dr. Chin was amazing, he gave me a reassuring feeling that I was a great candidate for this surgery. I was truly happy to hear that, and I had mentally prepared myself for it. I will admit, I had moments that I did question myself if I was making the right decision right before surgery and if this would actually work for me.  I tried to avoid negative people telling me that it would maybe work for a time and then gain it back. That can affect your thoughts. But it was during these moments that I realized I had to be stronger than my negative thoughts and would inspire myself by watching others go through with it and show their success stories.  So, I continued to feed my mind with positive information and surround myself with positive people to continue to be determined with the decision I had made. One of the best things is having a very strong support group. My husband, my son, my family and positive friends were truly a huge support group that helped me go through the process. My biggest fan was my husband. He truly stuck by me through the good and the bad reassuring me this was the best thing for me.

The Day of My Bariatric Surgery

The day of surgery was a life changing moment. Dr. Chin and the staff at the bariatric surgery center were truly amazing. They were kind, patient and very reassuring that all would go well.  

When I woke up from surgery, one of the biggest things I remember was how the staff was super caring. hey made sure I did not feel pain and or have nausea. They stayed very attentive to my needs and were so caring.  It was truly wonderful having such a great staff taking care of me right after surgery.

After Surgery

The toughest part was when I went home. The first 2-weeks, I would have to say was the most challenging time. Right after surgery, I had cravings to eat things like normal. But I remembered that this was part of the process and that these cravings and false hunger moments would come because of the swelling you will have in your stomach from the surgery and your mind thinking you were hungry. It’s really a learning process to relearn how you think about hunger and food to be successful.

I stuck through it with great determination not to cave in. I also had to train my mind to remember why I felt hungry, if it was emotional, out of habit or truly because I was hungry. I maintain a serious focus and follow every detail instruction that was given to me. I made sure to be prepared not only with what I could eat, but with measuring cups and items that help to make sure how much I could eat. After the second week, things became much easier mentally as I became accustom. You will have moments you will struggle but remember it’s all in the mind.

How to Eat Post-Surgery

One thing a lot of people don’t share is about how to eat. I trained myself not to overindulge. I also trained myself not to eat everything in one sitting. So, I mix my eating with partial solid foods and premium protein shakes. I am super careful to listen to my stomach, when it feels the slightest sign of it being full, I immediately stop. Place the food down and stop eating. I maintained focus and prepared myself by having 3different types of shakes that were low carbs but high protein. Premium Protein Shakes was the best for me, and I mix that with solid foods throughout the day. I eat small portions from 6 to 8 times a day but again, it’s all measured and small portions. You must find what works for you. Eventually, my determination and strong will to fight my own mind in changing my eating habits showed on the scale and it still is working for me!

My First 20 lbs to 80+ lbs

I began to see the weight-loss and after just losing my first 20 lbs, my health dramatically changed. I no longer felt tired, my legs don’t swell, and my acid reflux went away.  I began to slowly implement working out and walking. A year later, I am more than 80 lbs lighter and feeling amazing!!! I can run without feeling that my heart will jump out of my chest, I even got to drive my first motorcycle at the racetrack. My attitude has changed dramatically, I am happier, positive, rejuvenated, upbeat and truly wish I would have done this surgery sooner.

When others ask me if they should consider this surgery. I tell them YES! 100%.  BUT I do not sugarcoat it, I tell them the pro’s and con’s and the first thing I do say is to make sure they are mentally prepared to make a dramatic change for the rest of their lives. You will never eat the same and you must make sure you remind your mind of that.  Surgery isn’t the easy way out.  It’s a life changing surgery that forces you to change your relationship with food, and once you accept that the results will be amazing.  Be stronger than your negative thoughts and you will achieve success. If I can do it, you can too!

The Best Bariatric Surgery Center in Walnut Creek

BASS Bariatric Surgery Center offers some of the best bariatric care in northern California. Dr. Brian Chin and Dr. Jason Moy have years of experience in bariatric surgery and continue to change lives on a daily basis. Finding out you do not have bariatric benefits offered by insurance should not stop you from receiving this life-changing procedure. Visit our site to learn more about bariatric surgery and call (925) 281-3711 to book a consultation today!

About The Author

Daniel Roman, Content Writer

Daniel Roman is a Digital Content Writer at BASS Medical Group. He received his Masters in Journalism from UC Berkeley in 2021. Daniel has published multiple newspaper articles covering public health issues. His latest was a magazine cover story on pandemics and diseases that he co-wrote with Dr. Elena Conis, a historian of medicine, public health, and the environment.

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Ozempic vs. Bariatric Surgery: Key Differences

Ozempic (Semaglutide)
Bariatric Surgery
Mechanism of Action
Appetite suppression, slowed gastric emptying
Restriction, malabsorption, hormonal changes
Non-invasive (injection)
Invasive (surgery)
Expected Weight Loss
15-20% of body weight
40-70% of excess weight
Duration of Treatment
Ongoing (weekly injection)
One-time procedure
Varies (some procedures reversible)
Lower initial cost, ongoing medication expense
Higher initial cost, potential long-term savings
Side Effects
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation
Surgical risks, nutritional deficiencies, digestive issues

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